Jason King
I am a Certified Sexological Bodyworker and somatic sex coach in Amsterdam. I’m passionate about helping people expand their sense of what’s possible in their sex lives. I celebrate Full Spectrum Sexuality - bringing your full self into sexual connections.
We all deserve pleasure. I believe pleasure is one of the most connective and healing forces in the world, and can be a powerful tool for personal and collective liberation.
I celebrate freedom - from shame, fear, and whatever is holding you back from expressing your most authentic self.
I hold a strong container of safety, rooted in clear communication and consent.
I’m here to support you. I’m not looking to impose a particular view on how sex should or shouldn’t be. I’m kink-positive and welcome alternative relationship models.
I identify as a gay and queer man, and have a passion for building queer community and brotherhood.
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I work out of my home studio in the Jordaan in central Amsterdam.
Schedule a Call
Schedule a free 20-minute discovery call to discuss your intention and what you’d like to work on. I’ll share more about how I work, and answer any questions you may have.