Full Spectrum Sexuality
Cultivating Connection through Erotic Intelligence
Many gay, bi, and queer men I work with want better sex. Whether that’s with his partner, or the guy he just met on grindr (or both!). But with so much sex available, why do so many of us feel unsatisfied?
Many of us are caught in following sexual scripts. We kiss, we suck, we lick, we fuck, we cum… and it’s over. If we’re lucky we might have a nice chat beforehand. These scripts are often given to us through porn, and they’re repeated so frequently in dates that we come to believe that this is the only way to have sex. This can lead to sex feeling routine, predictable, and most commonly - disconnected.
That thing we all crave deep inside - to feel deeply connected to another being. Sex is one of the most intimate, connective acts we can enjoy. Yet in gay culture, most of our models demonstrate sex as sport - fun, active, but you leave without having ever really known the other team. And in order to play that sport well, you must perform. We put on our masks to make ourselves seem more attractive. We perform the sex that we think our partner wants. We’re often out of touch with our deeper desires, and with the depth of pleasure we could be experiencing.
In a culture full of judgment and internalized homophobia, many of us feel insecure about our bodies or cocks, doubting our sexual worth. When we bring our histories of pain and shame into our erotic encounters, it can be understandably difficult to open up.
As men, we’re socialized into hiding our emotions. In a sexual culture that prizes masculinity, we’re again told that only certain feelings are allowed in the bedroom. We often end up shutting down part of our emotional selves, fearing we won’t be accepted if we show our true self.
We often settle for this because we don’t know what else is out there - what sex could feel like, when our full self is able to show up. If you’re wanting more from your sex - more connection, more intimacy, more pleasure - you’ve come to the right place.
Owning Your Erotic Power
I work with gay, bi, and queer men to help you open up to express your authentic self, so you can cultivate the erotic and intimate connections you long for.
Many of us are cut off from our true desire. Getting into the body helps you feel into what you want most - both in physical and emotional intimacy.
Opening up to your deeper desires can be scary, especially with someone you don’t know. I provide a space where you get to practice owning and communicating your desires, your curiosities, your limits, and your boundaries. I seek to honor and welcome whatever emotions may arise as you explore your erotic self.
Loving your body and experiencing pleasure that is free of fear can be deeply healing for your sexuality - one of the deepest parts of your being. Cultivating erotic intelligence means stepping into greater freedom and connection. Owning your erotic power is the first step to being fully alive.
Why Embodiment?
If you want more pleasure and connection, you have to feel more - more sensation, and more emotion. We work to develop your sense of interoception - the capacity to feel and name what’s happening in your body.
Many of the ways we have sex are repetitive patterns that get stored as muscle memory. So when we get into an erotic encounter, we consciously or unconsciously act out what we know and what’s familiar. This keeps us stuck in ruts and routine.
The Nervous System
We work with the nervous system, to better understand in what conditions your system is most open to pleasure, and what shuts your system off from connection.
Mind Fucks!
Most of us are stuck in our heads, which pulls us out of the present moment and can lead to anxiety and stress. Getting back into your body supports you to be fully present - to your desire, your pleasure, and your partner.
Negative experiences can be imprinted on the body - leaving us with feelings of of pain, shame, and trauma. To maximize pleasure, one must work lovingly with the full emotional experience that can arise from the body.
Ecstasy and Ease
Developing embodiment supports you to move through all of life with more ease. If you want to feel truly alive and ecstatic, it must include the body.
Schedule a Call
Share your contact information to schedule a free 20-minute discovery call to discuss your intention and what you'd like to work on.
I’ll share more about how I work, and answer any questions you may have.