*Use code 173EX493 for €20 off the ticket price!
If anything, the last years have made it very clear how important human connections are. A smile, a hug, a wonderful conversation, maybe a kiss or a long, slow massage. That’s what intimacy is for us: real, authentic, interactions from the heart.
What is Intimacy for you? Is it making love, is it scary, is it appealing? Is it something you have longed for, or maybe something you don’t know is for you?
Whatever intimacy means to you – being welcomed by another person is something we all long for, right?
Being with other people doesn’t automatically mean that you will experience belonging and feel happy. Intimacy needs more than that: it needs that there is consent, that you feel safe and welcome.
This is what this weekend is all about.
The Intimacy Festival is a concept where the most amazing leaders in our fields gather together to share their favorite tools, workshops, art, and music – and offer that to you.
Jason is offering a movement meditation - Float Your Body - on Sunday morning at the Intimacy Festival.